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and CD recommendations
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midi files and CD recommendations |
 | Jazz Midi Jazz midi files, and recommended
books with information on midi and how to create your own midi files. |
 | Jazz Education Learning Jazz, list of
useful resources to learning more about Jazz and book recommendations. |
 | Jazz Practice Some thoughts on practicing
to become a better musician, book and resource recommendations to help you on your way. |
 | Jazz Links Some of the most useful Jazz links
on the net |
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Gallery of Jazz related posters, discounted by at least 20% |
 | UK Jazz The Jazz scene in the UK, links, and
recommendations. |
 | African Pages The main African Music Page
 | Highlife Information on highlife music
with books and CD recommendations
 | Highlife Lecture Lecture given at the
State University of New York with book and CD recommendations. |
 | Soukous Information on soukous music
with books and CD recommendations. |
 | African Books Further reading and research
on African Music |
 | A. Guitar African guitar playing with
some examples, midi files, real audio and transcriptions. |
 | A. Search Recommended search engines on
the web to find african information. |
 | A. Music Links Recommended African music
links on the web |
 | A. Language Some Sierra Leonnean
Proverbs in Krio. |
 | African Art
Gallery of African orientated posters, discounted by at least 20% |
 | Musicians Only Information for musicians on
making it in the business, music publicity, marketing and promotion. |
 | Radio. Our list of links to Jazz and African Music
Stations on the Web. |