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Jazz Guitar Links

Alan de Mause Alan was one of the fist to offer on-line Jazz Guitar lessons. He even shares his insights intohow he went about it. Great lessons.
Avalon Guitar CDs, educational books and videos, featuring fingerstyle, jazz, acoustic blues (country and ragtime fingerpicking), electric blues, fusion most discounted from list.
Carvel's Jazz Guitar Page Carvel Avis's page with guitar lessons using animated gifs. Nice George Benson lesson.
Dansm's Guitar Page Dan Smith's guitar page has lots of information on Guitar Theory, chords. Nicely put together.
The Essential Guitar Guide Practical music theory for guitar players.
Gitarre Spielen German rock guitar site, which has been put together well has tab, audio and video lessons.
Guitar College Rich Severson's excellent home study courses. Highly recommended.
Guitar Notes Jason Nieh's Page is the best for Guitar Links. Houses the former Chord of the week. Lots of Guitar Links
Great Guitar Sites Australian Guitar site, manly rock based but lots of useful links and resources.
Guitar Base GuitarMall Largest Guitar and Vintage Guitar Inventory on the Interne
Guitar4u Free guitar instuctional articles written by professional musicians featuring teachers at the Berklee College of Music. Excellent topics in adobe acrobat format covering seventh chords, intervals and include improvisation. Formerly known as 1000 Great Guitar Sites, a gigantic listing of Guitar sites.
Guitar Main Larry Pinkerton's site for advanced Jazz players
Harmony Central - Guitar Resources Great list of contacts and resources
Jazz Guitar Tabs Jonathan Byrd's page features 8 tab's for Jazz Guitar
Jazz Guitar International UK based site, specialising in European Jazz Guitar
Jazz Guitar Discussion list The Jazz Guitar Discussion List
Jazz Guitar Online Bob Patterson's site features lessons and other good resources
Just Jazz Guitar Just Jazz Guitar Magazine site
Just Jazz Discussion list Home of the JustJazz Musicians Discussion List
Paper Chord Software MAC only shareware software which great for teaching. You need to download the shareware Stuffit Expander to install it. Details of what to do are on Sandro Todesco's site.
The Interchart Home Page Java based Chord and Scale generator
Transcribing Devices Home of cool transcribing aids that help you learn
by ear from your favorite recordings.


Dubbeldam Software DsChordFinder v3.0 - Interesting piece of software which finds guitar chords, solos, leads and riffs in recorded music. DsChordFinder uses frequency analysis on the recorded music.
Guitarmaster Interesting software from Scotland, UK, which allows you to plug your guitar into the sound card and produce midi files.
Midigtr -- Midi Guitar Chord Finder Glenn Robitaille's master's thesis software which takes a midi file and displays the guitar chords.

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