Alan de Mause |
Alan was one of the fist to offer on-line Jazz
Guitar lessons. He even shares his insights intohow he went about it. Great lessons. |
Guitar |
CDs, educational books and videos, featuring
fingerstyle, jazz, acoustic blues (country and ragtime fingerpicking), electric blues,
fusion most discounted from list. |
Carvel's Jazz Guitar Page |
Carvel Avis's page with guitar lessons using
animated gifs. Nice George Benson lesson. |
Dansm's Guitar
Page |
Dan Smith's guitar page has lots of information
on Guitar Theory, chords. Nicely put together. |
The Essential Guitar Guide |
Practical music theory for guitar players. |
Gitarre Spielen |
German rock guitar site, which has been put
together well has tab, audio and video lessons. |
College |
Rich Severson's excellent home study courses.
Highly recommended. |
Guitar Notes |
Jason Nieh's Page is the best for Guitar Links. | |
Houses the former Chord of the week. Lots of
Guitar Links |
Great Guitar Sites |
Australian Guitar site, manly rock based but
lots of useful links and resources. |
Base GuitarMall |
Largest Guitar and Vintage Guitar Inventory on
the Interne |
Guitar4u |
Free guitar instuctional articles written by
professional musicians featuring teachers at the Berklee College of Music. Excellent
topics in adobe acrobat format covering seventh chords, intervals and include
improvisation. | |
Formerly known as 1000 Great Guitar Sites, a
gigantic listing of Guitar sites. |
Guitar Main |
Larry Pinkerton's site for advanced Jazz players |
Harmony Central - Guitar Resources |
Great list of contacts and resources |
Jazz Guitar Tabs |
Jonathan Byrd's page features 8 tab's for Jazz
Guitar |
Jazz Guitar International |
UK based site, specialising in European Jazz
Guitar |
Jazz Guitar Discussion list |
The Jazz Guitar Discussion List |
Jazz Guitar Online |
Bob Patterson's site features lessons and other
good resources |
Jazz Guitar |
Just Jazz Guitar Magazine site |
Just Jazz Discussion list |
Home of the JustJazz Musicians Discussion List |
Chord Software |
MAC only shareware software which great for
teaching. You need to download the shareware Stuffit Expander to install it. Details of
what to do are on Sandro Todesco's site. |
The Interchart Home Page |
Java based Chord and Scale generator |
Devices |
Home of cool transcribing aids that help you
by ear from your favorite recordings. |
Software |
DsChordFinder v3.0 - Interesting piece of
software which finds guitar chords, solos, leads and riffs in recorded music.
DsChordFinder uses frequency analysis on the recorded music. |
Guitarmaster |
Interesting software from Scotland, UK, which
allows you to plug your guitar into the sound card and produce midi files. |
-- Midi Guitar Chord Finder |
Glenn Robitaille's master's thesis software
which takes a midi file and displays the guitar chords. |

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