About Notz.com
Details about the company Notz.com, it's history and
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Company Profile
Notz.com, a New York web based company, was formed to provide information
on Jazz, African Music, The Music Business, Books, CD's, Sheet music to web surfers.
Established by Sounds Digital Ltd., a computer company established in
1985, with branches in the UK and USA. Sounds Digital Ltd. have provided consultancy to:
Sounds Digital Ltd's President/Director is Alisdair MacRae Birch, who has
worked as a musician/guitarist with
some of the world's leading artists and has directed the work of Sounds Digital Ltd.,
including work undertaken in the research labs. of IBM, Digital and Sun Microsystems. He
is also non-executive director to Shibui Films Co (S) Pte Ltd., Singapore. Graphimation
Ltd., Middlesex, UK and Corinthian Film Services Ltd., London, UK.
Notable projects include:
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