Palm Wine II

Palm Wine II

bullet1926 Kwame “Sam” Asare
bullet1950’s Kwaa Mensah
bulletKonimo (Daniel Amponsah)
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1926 “Sam” Kwame Asare - Recorded “Yaa Amponsah” in London on the Zonophone LabelKwaa Mensah - Nephew of Sam brought Guitar into adaha music.“The Grandfather” of Palm-Wine1951 - Recordings. Toured in Concert PartyReleased over 400 78 rpmsDied 1991Konimo (Daniel Amponsah ( 1934- )

bulletGraduate at Kumansi University
bullet“Curator” of Palm-Wine Style
bulletChemistry Department at the University of Science and Technology
bulletStudied at the University of Salford, UK with a scholarship also helped prepare several programmes of music for the BBC.


Ibo - “Ibo Minstrel” style