The Foils/Slides from the presentation begin with Highlife Music, you can view the presentation and notes using the controls
Highlife Music
Background I
Background II
African Music
African Rhythm
Historical Context I
Historical Context II
West African Guitar
The Early Years ( <1920 )
Media: The Early Years
Palm Wine I
Palm Wine II
Media: Palm Wine
Two Highlife Streams
Dance Band Highlife I
Dance Band Highlife II
Dance Band Highlife III
Dance Band Highlife IV
Media: Dance Band Highlife
Dance Band Highlife V
Dance Band Highlife VI
Guitar Band Highlife I
Guitar Band Highlife II
Media: Guitar Band Highlife I
Guitar Band Highlife III
Media: Guitar Band Highlife II
Guitar Band Highlife IV
Media: Guitar Band Highlife III
Guitar Band Highlife V
Guitar Band Highlife VI
Media: Guitar Band Highlife IV
London UK Highlife I
London UK Highlife II
Media: London UK Highlife