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4 Groups of instruments: Chordophones ( stringed instruments ) Aerophones (Wind Instruments ) Idiophones (Shaken instruments ) Membraphones ( Drums )
bulletAfrican names “banjar”, “banjil”, “banza”, “bangoe”, “bangie”, “banshaw”.
bullet1620 Richard Jobson while exploring the Gambra River in Africa in 1620 he recorded an instrument “...made of a great gourd and a neck, thereunto was fastened strings.”
bulletMandinka kora
bulletLooks like a harp, but its playing style is closer to flamenco guitar.
bulletThe first known reference to the kora comes from 1799 Mungo Park Travels in Interior Districts of Africa. He describes it as “a large harp with 18 strings”.
bulletThe kora’s body is made from a calabash gourd cut in half and partially covered with cow skin. Traditionally, there are twenty-one playing strings plucked by the thumb and forefinger of each hand.
bulletThe remaining fingers grip the two vertical hand posts. For strings, players use fishing line which provides a brillant tone and is easily obtained at the local market. Twenty-one anchor strings attach the playing strings to an iron ring bored through the base of the kora’s hardwood neck.
bulletThe player tunes the kora by moving the leather rings to achieve the appropriate tension on each string. Kora players use a variety of tunings.
bulletAudio: "Alla L'aa ke" played by Alhaji Bai Konte Traditional musical pattern, played to check the kora's tuning
bulletGourd guitar - Gonje or Gouje
bulletEarth Guitar - Hole in the ground with a resonating membrane.Mbulum-bumba, single string bow harp from - Called Berimbau